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Storywalks do two enjoyable things at once. They allow

people to relax on a guided walk and they connect them with the place they are walking through.

This connection can be a historical one - for example, a story about that particular place in the past – or it can be more general – for example, stories chosen because they feature specific trees seen on the walk.

I often work with a musician who leads people along the footpath from one telling place to the next. At each place, another instalment of the story is told.

“You brought the past alive and took me into another world.”

As an example, The Weavers' Tale is a storywalk through the beautiful Horsley Valley in the Cotswolds. As we walk, I tell a story based on the lives of those who lived there in the 19th century.  Find out more in the three snippets from a radio interview below.
(technical tip: click on the green circles; if the orange stuff appears while you are listening, just click the cross on the right!)

“The story, the music and the walk all went well together.”

Stories of Place
Saturday Morning Stories